In My Own Words

Writing and Images from the heart...

In My Own Words

Writing and Images from the heart...

Life in Color!

Through my limited time of having my business in the digital world I’ve been going back-and-forth as to whether or not have website or a separate blog, or combine the two, etc. etc. Back and fourth, back and fourth, driving everyone around me insane with my tornado of creative block and indecisiveness. When I started moving forward my business I thought to myself “Hmm… Why would anybody want to have two separate websites? I don’t understand…’ Well, let me tell you now, I understand. Between my different portfolios, and trying to get my artwork shown, It just made complete sense for me to have space dedicated just for image viewing.

I didn’t come to this decision easily though. After a 2 hour long drive home from a night away at the beach, I probably drove my husband insane by listing all the things that I wasn’t happy with. Everything from my logo, to my website, to my inability to work the way I would like. You name it, I talked about it.

Then Sheryl came on. ‘It’s not having what you want. It’s wanting what you’ve got.’

Then I wasn’t mad anymore.

I am SO fortunate to be able to do what I love to teach the most awesome kids around. So its stressful. So I’m up late most nights. So my kids didn’t sleep. So I didn’t get to clean the bathroom. SO WHAT. Life is grand. Life is good.

I hope you enjoy the NEW and the new

Then there was color. But which one?! THERE’S JUST TOO MANY!

So many of you who know me know that I have commitment issues when it comes to color. One is either too much of this, or too little of that. I have a complete wardrobe of black, white, tan, and navy blue. I just constantly feel just like Umbridge in her pink room. But hey, at least SHE can pick a color and own it. Anyway, this year as part of my New Years resolution for my photography and design – I know how ridiculous this will sound – was that I would try to allow color into my creative life. Well. I’ve done it. One color. Turquoise. Because it brings me peace. And makes me feel like I am at the ocean. All day. And now it’ll be part of my business and branding as well. I’m one happy lady. 🙂

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© Trish Kemp 2024