Being a Godparent is an honor I have been fortunate enough to experience twice. First with my nephew, and now with my niece. Although I understand the religious aspect of being a spiritual leader for each of them, I like to think of myself more as a ‘fairy godmother’ who can grant wishes, make magic, and always coax a laugh or a smile. The name, which was first coined by my Auntie Lynnie, is something that I hope they will hold dear to their hearts as we all walk through life together. And that, my friends, is what no nap get you. One tired child who wanted to have play time at church. The best was during the actual baptism when Eric was trying to wrangle him in the back of the church and all of Bristol could hear Peyton yelling ‘I GO PEE PEE!!!!!!!’. I was a proud mother in that very moment.
Coolest priest. EVER. He was explaining to Connor about being a middle child. Hahaha!
BIG thank you to my Auntie Pam who shot the photogs of us at the church! (Hmmm… maybe we could cultivate you into a second shooter on my weddings….?!?!) 🙂
Congratulations to my sweet niece! Love you. Always. xoxo